Theta Love

A big thank-you goes out to my sisters and my friends. You guys make me smile, even when my pants are down. If you get the picture.

I know, it'll be ok. I've gotten pretty far given what kinda crap I've overcome. I will be ok, a little worse for the wear but all in all ok. My emo sometimes gets the best of me. Think of it as that.

As for Norway, It's cold. Think like 50 degrees. It's crazy. I haven't heard from my mom in a few days, so I dunno what is going on there.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to next semester, and being back for Theta-tasticness. I've encouraged some friends to get to know the other thetas, mainly cause they need to get out more, but also because I want some of my older friends to get to know the awesomeness of theta-bility and maybe be apart of my life again. Though I don't know if that will be the case or not. We'll see later. LAWL.

Also, I'm so flabbergasted at the amount of effort people have shown in concern for me. I'm getting messages of encouragement and concern. It blows my mind, but I am happy to have such awesome people in my life. I have to say it. I feel blessed.

I also just want to say that I'm glad that my brother and sister are home to take care of my mom, and help her. If you guys read this. Thanks. Even if I am terrible at apologies and thanks, I'm damn well trying. I wish I could do more.

Lastly, I didn't realize until now how appropriate the title of my blog is. I truly am surviving. Everyday is something new, and strange. Including sugar fights with my flatmates. Go figure.

Love guys and peace.

UPDATE: Can't sleep. Mom hasn't sent me an e-mail or called. I'm worried.

1 drops of the hat:

Anonymous said...

I love you Pickles!! I'm praying for you!!!!

H Dog