10 things I _____ about Norway

So today, good for all I can ask. My flatmate is in the kitchen, so I can't cook dinner yet. Though I may go bother him.
I walked around and found some cool pictures. Then headed to International Coffee Hour at the Chateau Neauf. There I ran back into my buddy group and spent about 3 hours chatting about different gender treatment. For example. Jessica (from Sweden and 31, working on Chinese) and I (Yah, out of 1000 students and in a group of 17, there were 3 Jessica's.... mind you in Europe Jessica is pretty uncommon) talked about how though in our home countries there is some issues with women in the workforce, we can expect to be treated well. Then the Polish girl (I can't recall her name, nor pronounce it) talked about how her professors will say out loud that they think women have no place in college. Followed Inga and Katherine (both German)stating that though a prof. could never say that, they don't have women in the faculty at all.
Things about Norway that shock me:

1. NOTHING LIKE A WAL-MART, the closest thing is an Ikea, but you can't get food there. I have to go to three different shops for all my needs....

2. Men with BABIES... I see men alone with their children all the time.. Baby carriages, snugglies, etc...

3. Small meat market sections

4. Pedestrians don't look when they cross the street, they just blindly walk out with the expectation that traffic will stop... and it does.

5. EVERY THINGS COSTS A LOT!!!!!!!!! again... Land of the $20 hot dog.. but my housing is UBER-CHEAP... go figure

6. 30,000 students at this college...

7. 500,000 people in this city

8. No cheap off brands (except for one, first price, but it's hard to find)

9. People are BLUNT, no tact

10. It's really cool to accidentally discover a castle in the middle of the city

There it is, the first list about Norway. More to come.

Looks like there might be drugs involved. Talking to day, apparently Norway has a big drug issues. They blame the weather. I think that just might how you keep vikings peaceful... Joke.

A view of the campus.

2 drops of the hat:

Four Fish in Formational Flight said...


That is SO my new background! What you need to do now tho is find a peice of rubber and make a turnicate and wrap it around a little further up the tree, and that could be a modern art piece!

Unknown said...

Hi welcome to Norway... Thanks for popping by my blog! I look forward to reading more about how you ended up here... I remember my days of studying abroad...SIGH.... E N J O Y!