So I've regaled you with my silly antics and hilarious mishaps. Now time for some introspection....
So, being here for a while has lead to some interesting revelations.
1. I am not normal, anywhere in the world
2. Americans (the typical kind)piss me off
3. Everyone annoys me, including the Americans
4. I'm totally a child
5. Life is about making your mistakes look good
6. People in Norway all look the same (dress alike, etc..)
7. I spend way too much time in my room
8. I would get more out of my experience if I already knew the language (JERED do you hear me?)
9. I still can't decide to go to grad school, go to the military, or just get a job.
10.I really want to be an eco-hippie, that would probably still go Republican.
11.American Idol still gets discussed, even here.
12.I really like salty licorice
Now to explain some things, I need to relate some events.
It seems that every time I meet someone here from North American (this includes you damned Canadians) it just seems to me like they are utter idiots that I have to deal with all the time.
Exibit A: At the scavenger hunt yesterday I met a guy from Iran. Nice guy, he wants to be a graphic designer. I say, GO him! The guy next to him (representing Team USA) immediately pipes up, So... BLhalbhalbjahba The goverment makes us think that, blhalbhalbhalbh (insert rambling about how Iran is some back woods hell hole where you a beaten for thinking the color yellow) No other things were talked about. Now I don't know about you, but immediately jumping into that seems like a bit of an asshole move... At least get the guys NAME FIRST... Yah, little boy didn't even ask his name. I don't think he minded too much, but it's moment like this were people forget about basics, that PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Exhibit b: All of the English speaking countries tend to band together ( and be rather conceited about it). I understand this. Most of these kids want to speak in whatever native language they know. However, that hasn't stopped me from hanging with gobs of Germans, Chinese, and Native Norwegians.
Other things that piss me off:
The general dislike of US. If I said I was from Canada, they could never tell. BUT, nope US, I must be an idiot war-monger. Again, people not thinking that people are just people, not their country, not a political leader.
Also, the American Paradox as I call it. This is the funny thing were people proclaim loudly that the US has too long been the earmark of the world. That we are too big and great, and "powerful". By this, they mean policy. and you're thinking... yah we are... we need to let the world in on this. Now, I ask you. Why then are we (meaning the US) chastised for not going along with certain plans... Let's say the Kyoto treaty... People are angry because the US didn't join... and that means it will fail... be cause we didn't join... Never mind Japan and all the other modern countries, THE US DIDN'T SIGN, OMG GUYS THIS THING WILL NEVER GET OFF THE GROUND. WHY ISN'T THE US TAKING THE LEAD IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING!!................
oh crap. wait. did I just say that the US should take the lead in this...
Ok, does this not contradict the first statement?
So now world. make up your minds, do we lead you or can we take a step back so that you can get off duff and do it?
Misconceptions about (insert anything): So when I say, oh I'm in a sorority. People get that Sad, oh god... look in their eyes... and why I say that we mostly do charity work and raise money for breast cancer (in odd ways) Their faces contorts into "WHat the .....!" So movies play a HUGE role of how other countries see us. I mean really, I don't want people thinking I am ANYTHING like Tom Cruise... Dear god no....... Maybe we should think more about what our media says about us?
I miss home, meaning America. I do. It's so nice to be so unique, and people not really care. I mean they do, but as an American I tell them to shove it. If I wanna wear a Mankini, I'll do it! Do you really think that the BORAT movies could be made in any other country?
There's a lot more but I won't get into that.. it seems like stepping into a minefield today would be bad.
There's my rant. Take it or leave it.
0 drops of the hat:
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