
So, my sister will be particularly happy (I think) with what I plan to bring home for her...
If she reads this, she can let me know if she wants it.

Back in the day there was a soda that was called Surge... you may or may not remember it. Anyways, it seems that this soda didn't do so hot in the states.

What I didn't know what that Surge is actually from Norway. Though, it is called Urge.

Well, in 2001 all sales of Surge finished because Coca-Cola stopped making this drink. EXCEPT in Norway. So, yesterday I bought a large bottle of Urge and enjoyed some great times of the late 90's.

So why mention my sister? From what I can recall, she really LOVED Surge. So, if she wants a big bottle, I'd be happy to bring one back, or at least mail it to her?

1 drops of the hat:

Unknown said...

They also have TAB here which I don't think we can get in the states anymore... Thanks for popping by today!