WHAT THE ------!?

Ok guys. Introducing the new Officer of Finance and New Webmaster for the International Students Union at UiO.... WTF... Don't ask me how this happened, I just came for the free cookies.

So a little more to the story.
I went to the coffee hour, because I wanted free cookies... and I like going.
After devouring 2 plates of the little guys, I ended up talking to several guys (not students) who had come for cheap beer. 2 Norwegians and a guy from India. It was amusing, and many jokes about the election being a circus. So yah, happens that we were having the ISU elections as well. Me, not being me, decided to run for VP, ( you HAVE to be at UiO a year to be Prez, and due to the sit that I might not stay I opted out of) so I tried and wasn't voted... I would have tried for some other position, but some jackass behind me said (PROFANITY TO FOLLOW) "Fuck you, you stupid patriot!"
Thanks man, you're really open. So, slightly depressed (and near tears for about 12 seconds) I walked back to talk to the guys... In which we began to discuss the unhappiness of being American. Though one brought a good point that Israelis usually get it worse. I can't say that is comforting, but it did bring some new stuff to light. It was about this time that the guy who was newly elected Prez grabs me and says he wants me to run for Fin. Office. So here we are. Then afterwards I agreed to be webmaster as well. Given I don't have much else to do here.
Kinda cool, we went out for pizza and had a really good time chatting and talking about Texas (looks like the past Prez LOVES Texas and wants to live there.... so it was nice for once to be COOL) Then we made jokes about Austrians in Basements, Lebanese jokes, and talked politics. Mind you, the new prez is Austrian (and will be called the Prez-inator from hereforth) so it was all in good fun.

Updates on the inner workings

So I've regaled you with my silly antics and hilarious mishaps. Now time for some introspection....
So, being here for a while has lead to some interesting revelations.
1. I am not normal, anywhere in the world
2. Americans (the typical kind)piss me off
3. Everyone annoys me, including the Americans
4. I'm totally a child
5. Life is about making your mistakes look good
6. People in Norway all look the same (dress alike, etc..)
7. I spend way too much time in my room
8. I would get more out of my experience if I already knew the language (JERED do you hear me?)
9. I still can't decide to go to grad school, go to the military, or just get a job.
10.I really want to be an eco-hippie, that would probably still go Republican.
11.American Idol still gets discussed, even here.
12.I really like salty licorice

Now to explain some things, I need to relate some events.
It seems that every time I meet someone here from North American (this includes you damned Canadians) it just seems to me like they are utter idiots that I have to deal with all the time.
Exibit A: At the scavenger hunt yesterday I met a guy from Iran. Nice guy, he wants to be a graphic designer. I say, GO him! The guy next to him (representing Team USA) immediately pipes up, So... BLhalbhalbjahba The goverment makes us think that, blhalbhalbhalbh (insert rambling about how Iran is some back woods hell hole where you a beaten for thinking the color yellow) No other things were talked about. Now I don't know about you, but immediately jumping into that seems like a bit of an asshole move... At least get the guys NAME FIRST... Yah, little boy didn't even ask his name. I don't think he minded too much, but it's moment like this were people forget about basics, that PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Exhibit b: All of the English speaking countries tend to band together ( and be rather conceited about it). I understand this. Most of these kids want to speak in whatever native language they know. However, that hasn't stopped me from hanging with gobs of Germans, Chinese, and Native Norwegians.
Other things that piss me off:
The general dislike of US. If I said I was from Canada, they could never tell. BUT, nope US, I must be an idiot war-monger. Again, people not thinking that people are just people, not their country, not a political leader.
Also, the American Paradox as I call it. This is the funny thing were people proclaim loudly that the US has too long been the earmark of the world. That we are too big and great, and "powerful". By this, they mean policy. and you're thinking... yah we are... we need to let the world in on this. Now, I ask you. Why then are we (meaning the US) chastised for not going along with certain plans... Let's say the Kyoto treaty... People are angry because the US didn't join... and that means it will fail... be cause we didn't join... Never mind Japan and all the other modern countries, THE US DIDN'T SIGN, OMG GUYS THIS THING WILL NEVER GET OFF THE GROUND. WHY ISN'T THE US TAKING THE LEAD IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING!!................
oh crap. wait. did I just say that the US should take the lead in this...
Ok, does this not contradict the first statement?
So now world. make up your minds, do we lead you or can we take a step back so that you can get off duff and do it?
Misconceptions about (insert anything): So when I say, oh I'm in a sorority. People get that Sad, oh god... look in their eyes... and why I say that we mostly do charity work and raise money for breast cancer (in odd ways) Their faces contorts into "WHat the .....!" So movies play a HUGE role of how other countries see us. I mean really, I don't want people thinking I am ANYTHING like Tom Cruise... Dear god no....... Maybe we should think more about what our media says about us?
I miss home, meaning America. I do. It's so nice to be so unique, and people not really care. I mean they do, but as an American I tell them to shove it. If I wanna wear a Mankini, I'll do it! Do you really think that the BORAT movies could be made in any other country?
There's a lot more but I won't get into that.. it seems like stepping into a minefield today would be bad.
There's my rant. Take it or leave it.

Scavenger Hunt

So, think of me when you see a phone booth.
That's right. We had to find 20 things all around the land of Oslo. This included a picture of me and two other girls in our bras, jammed in a phone booth. On the bright side, I got paid 5 kroner by some random guy... He offered to pay more if we took the bras off... No thanks.
Also. More trees with Heroin addictions. Go figure. Then again this the same park that had a receptacle for used needles.
Let's see...
I acted like a monkey in a tree, and broke it.
Hugged a man that I had never met.
Asked about 100 men is their name was Olav.
Asked a stranger to explain lutefisk.
Got paid 5 kroner to be shirtless in a phonebooth.
Went to the museum with Munch's famous painting "The scream"
Did a belly dance in front of the opera house.
Went to a gay bar.
Collected random plastic bags.
Collected a random business card.
Took a picture with (a statue of) Ibsen.

There was more, but that was the things I did.

Also, to note I got to meet a girl from Georgia, and a guy from Iran.

Bank stuff

So I figured out how to pay my bills... and it will cost me 12 dollars every time... Go figure.
Other than that... Got a free key chain... WOOT!

So this afternoon was the welcome at kringja... Interesting night... I had real Norwegian food.... and it wasn't that great... really bland. Ergh. Got some cool little lunch boxes out of the deal and some apples.
Other than that, I've been a bum.

And the crowd goes wild

So. Nothing new to state. I've had serious problems with motivation...and $800 dollars of rent to figure out how to pay. Classes tomorrow that I don't want to go to. So the news... another soccer game at Ullevål Stadion so of course all I can hear is chanting screaming, drunken, Norwegians and whomever... Maybe one will show up at my door naked and I can throw him a towel...

Residence Permit

So I was up at 7:00 this morning, to go to the police station.
Brutal. So very brutal. Just to get this.

So to detail my adventure, now that I am much less annoyed.
I awaken at 7:00am, realizing that I had less than 30mins to meet some friends to make the trip together. Anyways, it all worked out and we made it to the train station. And we waited. and waited. and waited another 30 mins. Maybe this is a sign to learn the schedules here. Anyways. Got to the Politi (police station) only to find that another 200 people had made it before me. However, it was time to wait. Officially I was number 131. That would be because Ania. Same one from last night, was nice enough to let us in front of her. So, had to wait an hour and a half. Now mind you, I finished my permit while still in the states. Thinking, "Oh, no big deal, I just need to bring the papers." However, if logic was on that early in the morning, it would have told me that nothing here is that simple. Looks like I needed more photos. Which I just happen to have from my rail pass. Oh wait, thy were at home. SoI shelled out another 40 kroner (8 dollars) to buy 4 more photos. Oh mind you, they use a digital copy of it. So I still have the photos. My thoughts here is why do they not have a digital camera, like the DMV does? But it's done. No wait. I still have to register for a number and the general schema. Grrrrr....

Polish Foods and Fire Alarms

So, Went to Annia's house for food and merriement. Well more so. I dragged myself from bed, and went to the ICH (international coffee hour) then headed to Ania's house. I wasn't expecting to really enjoy it but again it seems like I like the Europeans more than the American's (they kinda are full of themselves) I think studying abroad tends to attract those kinds of people. Anyways, I'll have some pictures but it was great. I had delicious Polish food and Norwegian snacks. After a while of chatting we did get interrupted by the fire alarm (who knows?) but afterwards all was well. In all, it was a really good day. Let's see if the trip to the Police station tomorrow will be better?

Love hurts

Now time for pics:

I'm in a lot of pain at the moment... I spent the last ... 6 hours wandering the streets of Oslo to obtain pictures... Over 200 of them in fact... The good ones will be on Picasa soon enough.
I think I managed to get my key fixed to my mailbox... let's hope...
Then I bought a book I needed from campus... Ugghhh , lets just say EXPENSIVE!!!

Anyways, then I went to the park and wandered.

Fisk Kake Experiment

So I tried the kake today. I have to say, it's not terrible. However, the aftermath has not been good. It seems that several hours later my stomach is going to tear asunder. I still feel really ill. too bad I didn't get to eat my egg with it. I think I might scarf down so some cereal, or go buy some wheat crackers to settle the feud that is going on in my intestines.

I attended my first class today and the only one I will have for a few more weeks. I need to go buy the books for it, but I am lazy... That and the crowds of people have turned me off. Class was interesting. I will hae to say some people were shocked at having an attendance policy, and having several grades instead of just a final paper. As to put it, one student proclaimed "... It's nearly impossible to make a good grade with it spread out like that.." I dunno son, maybe if you study instead of party during the semester?
Pretty light workload compared to my AC experience: 1 paper, 1 group project, 1 midterm, one exam.
Really, I'm not surprised and welcome the similarities... I only wish they had let me take 4 classes instead of 3...
Looks like the class is done the 1st or second week of November too. SO, I don't have a clue that what I will be doing... Maybe visiting Jered?

Later when I get something new.

Salty Candy

Had some licorice today, Salmiak flavored. Think salty, very salty. However, it's slightly addicting. I think I'll bring some back to the states...

Nothing really today. I did cave in and buy a railpass, at least for this month. Let's see how cold it gets here in a month.
Finally bumped into the last of my flat-mate - Tonelind (that could be HORRIBLY misspelled.)
Nothing going on. Just really thinking cookies would sound AMAZING!
Also, got some good dried beans and rice from the immigrant shops down town. Always a good find.

and another picture... This would be part of my student travel card. I had to go take a picture in these "speed booths" and I paid like $12. BAh!


Bussen about Oslo

So, 1st things 1st... I had my first successful interaction in Norwegian. Some little boy wanted to sell/give (not sure which) a waffle and jam. After trying to say no in English... I realized that he probably wasn't that familiar yet. So, imitating my flat-mates, I said what I thought was the word for no. and it worked!

On the way to the bus I saw a sign for Krav Maga classes... to bad they are in norwegian...

Ok. So I took a school sponsored trip about Oslo. Got to see the Ski Jump, the viking ship museum, and Vingland park.
Pictures ensue:


So I should go outside. I will. Just let me take a _____ first.
All day I've been doing that. I wish I could kick myself in the butt to get this started.
People should leave comments of what they want pictures of so I can feel like I have purpose.

To add:
2 of my 3 classes (3 is the max course load... go figure) do not start until Sept. 1st
Travel much eh?

10 things I _____ about Norway

So today, good for all I can ask. My flatmate is in the kitchen, so I can't cook dinner yet. Though I may go bother him.
I walked around and found some cool pictures. Then headed to International Coffee Hour at the Chateau Neauf. There I ran back into my buddy group and spent about 3 hours chatting about different gender treatment. For example. Jessica (from Sweden and 31, working on Chinese) and I (Yah, out of 1000 students and in a group of 17, there were 3 Jessica's.... mind you in Europe Jessica is pretty uncommon) talked about how though in our home countries there is some issues with women in the workforce, we can expect to be treated well. Then the Polish girl (I can't recall her name, nor pronounce it) talked about how her professors will say out loud that they think women have no place in college. Followed Inga and Katherine (both German)stating that though a prof. could never say that, they don't have women in the faculty at all.
Things about Norway that shock me:

1. NOTHING LIKE A WAL-MART, the closest thing is an Ikea, but you can't get food there. I have to go to three different shops for all my needs....

2. Men with BABIES... I see men alone with their children all the time.. Baby carriages, snugglies, etc...

3. Small meat market sections

4. Pedestrians don't look when they cross the street, they just blindly walk out with the expectation that traffic will stop... and it does.

5. EVERY THINGS COSTS A LOT!!!!!!!!! again... Land of the $20 hot dog.. but my housing is UBER-CHEAP... go figure

6. 30,000 students at this college...

7. 500,000 people in this city

8. No cheap off brands (except for one, first price, but it's hard to find)

9. People are BLUNT, no tact

10. It's really cool to accidentally discover a castle in the middle of the city

There it is, the first list about Norway. More to come.

Looks like there might be drugs involved. Talking to day, apparently Norway has a big drug issues. They blame the weather. I think that just might how you keep vikings peaceful... Joke.

A view of the campus.

Picturesque day

...too bad I didn't have a camera working. That's right, I walked downtown today for 3 hours and saw Akershus Castle and the Royal Palace.
Mind you this was all by accident.
So it goes, I was done with registering for classes (and a little bummed because I found out that the one class I NEEDED, is only going to offered in Norwegian this year) so I wanted to take a walk. Well, by the time I thought about turning around I came to a really nice park.
"what the hey!" I thought and took a walk through it. Happens it was the surroing park to the Royal Palace. Since I knew I was at Karl Johan's Gate, I took a walk through downtown Oslo. After a bit I was tired and wanted away from the crazy street vendors and hoards of people. It was then I noted that down an alley I could see water. Curious, I headed that way only to find the bay and Akershus Castle. I went around it for a while. Took a fast nap in the yard (seems a common thing to do) and headed back with a day of fun, even if I have no pictures of the gorgeous weather to prove it. Oh and lucky me, as soon as I made it back to the apartment, it began to rain.

What, Speak up, I can't hear you!

So, I'm here trying to figure out what to do about classes, and wasting time on a computer that someone else could be using. BTW the keys on this are strange. Example øæåµ are all within easy reach. Oh and this thing ¤ I will never understand this keyboard.
Anyways, the deal is there is an info session that I have to wait on to figure out why a class that the name is listed in ENGLISH (and supposed to be in said language) is listed as not.
I hate this "studentweb"
I think it will drive me mad!

More pictures from the great beyond

Here are our first images

So it begins.
That's my room, to inform you.
and the view from the window.

Here, Safe, and Alive

So here I am, safe and alive I didn't die (somehow)
I've been fretting hardcore for the past few days but I think I am starting to calm down a lot as things are starting to make sense.
So here's the facts:
I live with 4 other people:
2 Germans
2 Norwegians
2 guys and 2 gals (one of each)
I live about 4 blocks from school so walking is easy
'm pretty lonely as it is hard to meet people, did I mention that there is a rumor that there are only about 35 Americans here
So, anyways, hard to make friends when everyone else is speaking a different tongue.

So I live in Sogn ("song") student village

Oh and to mention, the plane ride was easy I slept some, and zoned out most of it. The switch at Frankfurt was really easy. I had nothing else to do but sit and wait the 30 mins or so. The to Norway. The trains were confusing as trying to find the Subway (which was crammed somewhere in a corner) was difficult.

Anyways, yesterday I got most of my information and today I took some kind of tour (there was food)
Oh and the welcome ceremony. I'll include some pictures soon.

Because airplanes are soooo fun.

T minus 7 days

I'm tired... beyond belief.
I'm cleaning out my old garbage given I haven't been home in a good long time, nor the chance to clean out my room.

The current numbers are something close to:
1 and a half bags for Goodwill
3 bags of utter garbage.

I can't tell you where I managed to pack all of that away, but boy did I.

So the trash is now up to 5 bags and the goodwill up to three bags.