WHAT THE ------!?

Ok guys. Introducing the new Officer of Finance and New Webmaster for the International Students Union at UiO.... WTF... Don't ask me how this happened, I just came for the free cookies.

So a little more to the story.
I went to the coffee hour, because I wanted free cookies... and I like going.
After devouring 2 plates of the little guys, I ended up talking to several guys (not students) who had come for cheap beer. 2 Norwegians and a guy from India. It was amusing, and many jokes about the election being a circus. So yah, happens that we were having the ISU elections as well. Me, not being me, decided to run for VP, ( you HAVE to be at UiO a year to be Prez, and due to the sit that I might not stay I opted out of) so I tried and wasn't voted... I would have tried for some other position, but some jackass behind me said (PROFANITY TO FOLLOW) "Fuck you, you stupid patriot!"
Thanks man, you're really open. So, slightly depressed (and near tears for about 12 seconds) I walked back to talk to the guys... In which we began to discuss the unhappiness of being American. Though one brought a good point that Israelis usually get it worse. I can't say that is comforting, but it did bring some new stuff to light. It was about this time that the guy who was newly elected Prez grabs me and says he wants me to run for Fin. Office. So here we are. Then afterwards I agreed to be webmaster as well. Given I don't have much else to do here.
Kinda cool, we went out for pizza and had a really good time chatting and talking about Texas (looks like the past Prez LOVES Texas and wants to live there.... so it was nice for once to be COOL) Then we made jokes about Austrians in Basements, Lebanese jokes, and talked politics. Mind you, the new prez is Austrian (and will be called the Prez-inator from hereforth) so it was all in good fun.

3 drops of the hat:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! You just got stuck in Norway indefinitely! :D

Anonymous said...

Sweet. Use your power for evil and you shall rule the world! ...Or at least... you know... be able to f up the website or something...

Anonymous said...

I miss you do much! Come back alive ok??

-H Dog